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Spirit Lifting

• 4.25"x5.50" Greeting Cards 
• Printed on soft-bone colored Recycled Papers w/embossed photo corners
• Each card shipped w/Matching Envelope
• Made in the USA 


  • DSM 1628

    DSM 1628

    Life aren't easy, and it ain't never gonna be... (Inside) But you got friends... and one of them are me. Sookie Bonnahm, Age 4

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  • DSM 1315

    DSM 1315

    The secret to everything? (Inside) ...well, that's the biggest secret of all!!!

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  • DSM 1323

    DSM 1323

    I wish for you a day of ordinary miracles... (Inside) and every day.

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  • DSM 1617

    DSM 1617

    Be sure you make time for enjoying all the little things in life... (Inside) ...for one day, you may look back and realize they were The Big Things.

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  • DSM 1601

    DSM 1601

    When there is no rhyme... ...and there is no reason... (Inside) ...there is tomorrow.

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  • DSM 726

    DSM 726

    Remember, Girlfriend... (Inside) You are your very own oldest and dearest Best Friend. So please be good to you.• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers

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  • DSM 576

    DSM 576

    Go, Goddess, GO!!! (Inside) god-dess: (gad'is) n.1) a female god; 2) a woman greatly admired and valued, as for her beauty and special talents. (so you go, Goddess, Go!!!)

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  • DSM 843

    DSM 843

    Lord, Please help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together can't handle. (Inside) Whew!

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  • DSM 429

    DSM 429

    When I count my blessings... (Inside) I always count you twice.

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