DSM 1005
There's no special reason for this card... (Inside) ...well, that is... except for the special person receiving it.• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 726
Remember, Girlfriend... (Inside) You are your very own oldest and dearest Best Friend. So please be good to you.• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 893
Friends are flowers that never fade. (Inside Blank)• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 879
"Good friends are sort of like Angels..." (Inside) "...you don't have to see them to know they are there."• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 871
Lean on me... (Inside) ...that's what friends are for.• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 865
We'll be friends until... (Inside)...well, just until forever.• Made in the USA • Recycled Papers
$3.25 -
DSM 1253
"Just so you know, when it comes to friendship..." (Inside) "nobody does it better than you."
$3.25 -
DSM 868
Sometimes, destiny messes up and you don't get the sister you were supposed to get... (Inside) ...that's when you get a Best Friend instead!
$3.25 -
DSM 894
"Friends are like fancy chocolates..." (Inside) "...it's what's inside that counts."
$3.25 -
DSM 1057
Our friendship can be described with so many great superlatives... "delightfully odd" ..."wonderfully strange" ..."uniquely delusional"... (Inside) Ain't we lucky?
$3.25 -
DSM 1058
You've been so good to me... (Inside) Thanks for being my very own "Guardian Angel" Hebrews 13:2: Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (KJV)
$3.25 -
DSM 1043
I like you... (Inside) ...you're the only person I know who's crazier than me! (I really like that in a friend)
Friend & Friendship
• 4.25"x5.50" Greeting Cards
• Printed on soft-bone colored Recycled Papers w/embossed photo corners
• Each card shipped w/Matching Envelope
• Made in the USA